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GPS Tracker With Magnet

GPS Tracker With Magnet

Regular price $59.00 USD
Regular price $159.00 USD Sale price $59.00 USD
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Smallest GPS Tracking Device


Protect your work vehicles from theft and employee misuse. Discover the very moment your teenager is driving like an idiot. Find out where any cars, ATVs, trailers, company trucks, or personal assets are 24/7

GPS Tracker With Magnet

Konnect GPS Is Undetectable. Apple AirTags Are NOT!

Did you know that drivers and passengers can easily detect Bluetooth trackers like Apple AirTags or Tile Mates?

If you want to secretly track a vehicle or asset, you simply can't rely on bluetooth trackers. This is the reason why law enforcement agencies, private investigators, and small businesses everywhere trust the Konnect real time GPS tracker.

If you want a tracking device that is silent, small, and undetectable to drivers or passengers, you need Konnect!

Magnetic GPS Tracking Device


Konnect is a wireless GPS tracker with magnet powerful enough to attach to anything! Place the Konnect real time GPS tracker on a vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, trailer, or anything you want to protect and monitor from your phone 24/7. Yes, it is that simple! In fact, the ultra-powerful magnet and waterproof design is the reason Konnect is the #1 wireless GPS tracker used by small businesses!

Customer Testimonial

Frequently Asked Questions

Hw Long Does The Battery Last?

The tracker features a superior rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which provides up to 24 days of continuous tracking on a single charge, assuming an average driving time of two hours per day. This robust battery performance significantly surpasses that of competitors like Tracki, SpyTec GL 300, and Brickhouse Security Spark Nano. Additionally, for less frequent tracking needs, the "Low Power Mode" extends battery life dramatically, allowing the device to operate for up to 6 months without a recharge. Encased in a durable, waterproof housing, the tracker is also engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance no matter the environment. This combination of extended battery life and rugged durability makes our GPS tracker a standout choice in the market.

Battery Life - On "Low Power Mode" up to 6 months!

Is The Packaging Discreet?

We prioritize your privacy with every order, ensuring that the packaging is as discreet as possible. Our shipments do not include any labels or markings that mention "GPS tracking" or "surveillance." In fact, to further safeguard your privacy, we frequently use generic packaging materials, similar to those used by major retailers like Amazon and Walmart. This approach helps to keep the contents of your order completely confidential, blending seamlessly with other typical shipments to ensure your privacy is maintained from the moment the package leaves our facility to when it arrives at your doorstep.

How Much Are The Monthly GPS Data Plans?

When your GPS tracker arrives, activating it is a simple process:

Serial Number Activation: Use the serial number provided with your tracker to activate it online. This step typically involves entering the serial number on the provider’s website or through their mobile app.

Select a Data Plan: During activation, you'll choose a data plan that suits your tracking needs. Our plans are designed to offer flexibility with no long-term commitments:

  • $19.95 - 3 Minute Updates
  • $24.95 - 1 Minute Updates
  • $34.95 - 30 Second Updates
  • $39.95 - 10 Second Updates
  • $44.95 - 5 Second Updates
  • $49.95 - 3 Second Updates

No Contracts or Hidden Fees: All service plans are month-to-month, ensuring you can start or stop service as needed without any activation fees or termination penalties.

You can activate your tracker by CLICKING HERE

Does Konnect GPS Work Outside Of The United States?

Yes, the Konnect GPS tracker comes equipped with a global SIM card, enabling it to operate in over 150 countries. However, please note that we currently only ship within the United States and Canada, ensuring that every device functions optimally in regions with reliable cellular coverage.

What Is The Size Of The GPS Tracking Device?

Dimensions| D: 2.275" H: 0.945"

Do You Offer Technical Support?

Yes, we provide technical support for the life of every GPS tracker. Our U.S.-based agents are available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST. All our tracking devices are engineered in the U.S. using both imported and domestic parts. For assistance, call 1-847-462-8100 and follow the prompts.

World's Most Reliable GPS Tracking Device

Made in the USA from imported and domestic parts, Konnect magnetic GPS tracker allows you to secretly track any vehicle or asset with pinpoint accuracy. Use our #1 rated free mobile app for iOS and Android and get the answers you deserve!


GPS Tracking

What Is A GPS Asset Tracker?

A GPS asset tracker is a specialized device that uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to monitor and track the exact location of valuable assets such as construction equipment, trailers, vehicles, and boats. By connecting to a network of satellites, the tracker calculates its position on Earth and sends this information back to the user. This technology is invaluable for securing high-value items and preventing theft, particularly in sectors like construction and transportation. GPS asset trackers are essential tools for businesses looking to protect their investments and enhance operational efficiency by providing real-time data on the whereabouts of these critical assets.

How Accurate Are GPS Tracking Devices?

GPS asset trackers achieve high location accuracy by connecting to a constellation of satellites to triangulate their exact coordinates on Earth. These devices typically offer positional accuracy within a few meters under optimal conditions. The precision of GPS data can be influenced by several factors, including multipath effects where signals bounce off buildings or other large objects, atmospheric conditions, and satellite geometry. Urban environments with high-rise buildings and areas with dense foliage can also decrease signal accuracy due to obstructions that block direct lines of sight to satellites. Despite these factors, GPS asset trackers generally provide robust and reliable location data, essential for the effective monitoring of assets such as construction equipment, trailers, vehicles, and boats.

Are GPS Vehicle Trackers Legal?

Yes, GPS vehicle trackers are legal to purchase, but their usage must adhere to specific laws and regulations that vary by location and context. Therefore, it is crucial to use vehicle and asset tracking devices responsibly to ensure compliance with privacy laws and respect for individual rights. Here are some common legal uses of GPS trackers:

  • Company-Owned Vehicles: Employers can use GPS trackers to monitor company vehicles for fleet management, safety enhancements, and logistics optimization.
  • Asset Tracking: Businesses can legally track valuable assets, such as equipment, merchandise, and high-value containers, to prevent theft and ensure they are monitored during transport.
  • Consensual Tracking: It is usually legal to track a vehicle or asset with the explicit consent of the owner or if you are the legal owner of the vehicle or asset being tracked.
  • Parental Monitoring: Parents may use GPS trackers to monitor the location of vehicles driven by their teenage children for safety reasons.
  • Law Enforcement: With a warrant, law enforcement agencies can use GPS trackers for surveillance and monitoring of suspects in criminal investigations.

Important Considerations:

  • Always consider privacy implications and ensure tracking does not infringe on individual privacy rights.
  • Obtain consent and disclose the use of tracking devices when necessary, especially when tracking employees or in other sensitive situations.
  • The legality of using GPS trackers can vary significantly based on local laws and regulations. Always consult with legal counsel to understand the specific laws applicable to your situation.

Disclaimer: This information is not legal advice. Laws regarding the use of GPS trackers are complex and vary widely. Consult a qualified attorney to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

What Are The Components Of A GPS Tracking Device?

A GPS tracking device contains several key internal components that collectively enable real-time location monitoring and data transmission. These include:

  • GPS Module: Captures satellite signals to accurately pinpoint the vehicle's location.
  • Cellular Modem: Facilitates communication with a network, allowing the transmission of location data to a server or directly to a user's device.
  • Microprocessor: Serves as the control center of the tracker, processing location data and managing device commands and settings.
  • Memory: Provides storage for location data, device settings, and the operating software.
  • Battery: Supplies power to the device, enabling operation without a continuous external power source in models that are battery-operated.
  • Antennas: Incorporates both GPS and cellular antennas to enhance the reception of signals and improve data transmission efficiency.

These components are compactly assembled within the GPS tracking system, optimizing its functionality for effective tracking and communication.

How Does A GPS Tracking Device Work?

A GPS tracking device operates through a series of integrated steps that involve satellite communication, signal processing, and data transmission to provide precise location tracking. Here's how it all works:

Satellite Communication: The tracker uses a GPS module to communicate with a network of satellites orbiting the Earth. It receives signals from these satellites, which are continuously transmitting data about their position.

Signal Processing: Once the tracking system receives signals from multiple satellites, the onboard microprocessor calculates the precise location of the device using triangulation. This process involves determining the exact distance from several satellites to pinpoint the device's location on Earth.

Data Transmission:

  • Cellular or Wi-Fi: The tracking device sends the computed location data to a central server or directly to the user's device through a cellular or Wi-Fi connection, depending on its design.
  • Real-Time Updates: This connection ensures that location data can be updated frequently, allowing for real-time tracking of the device's movements.

User Interface:

  • Access and Monitoring: Users can access the location information through a mobile app or web platform, where they can view real-time data and historical tracking information.
  • Customizable Alerts: The interface often allows users to set up alerts for specific events, such as entering or leaving designated areas (geofencing), speeding, or when the tracking device moves after a period of inactivity.

Power Supply:

  • Battery-Operated: Many tracking devices are equipped with batteries, making them portable and easy to install in various locations, including those without external power sources.
  • Power Management Features: Advanced tracking devices include power-saving modes that extend battery life by reducing update frequency when the device is stationary.

This framework allows GPS tracking devices to offer reliable and accurate location tracking, which is vital for monitoring the movements of vehicles, valuable assets, or even individuals, enhancing safety and security across various applications.